After Indonesia's independence was achieved, the ideals of improving the quality of education and the tendency of people to reach higher education grew. In the decade of the fifties, regional higher education institutions began to appear, responding to the needs of local people.

The dream of establishing a state university or university in Manado, which at that time was the center of government and regional activities for North and Central Sulawesi, can be said to have been pioneered by the existence of the Pinaesaan University which was founded on October 1, 1954 in Tondano, only has one faculty, namely the Faculty of Law. . Together with Permesta University which was founded on September 23, 1957 in Manado, Pinaesaan University is actually the embryo of the future development of Sam Ratulangi University.

Having two universities with private status has not satisfied the taste of the residents (Sumekolah). Therefore, at the initiative of the people of North and Central Sulawesi (military leaders, civilians, and intellectuals), there was unity and determination to realize the establishment of a state university in both regions, which is expected to be the pride of the general public and the people of North Sulawesi. and Central in particular.

As a follow-up, the Manado College (PTM) was established on August 1, 1958, with four faculties, namely:

  1. Faculty of Law,
  2. Faculty of Economics,
  3. Faculty of Letters, and
  4. Faculty of Administration.

These four faculties are the basis for the establishment of PTM (which later became Sam Ratulangi University).

In the same year, in October, PTM changed its name to the University of North-Central Sulawesi, which was abbreviated as UNSUT. Until that stage, the status of this university is still fully private. In the early sixties, the efforts to achieve state status began to show signs. Precisely in 1960, UNSUT changed its short name again to UNISUT (University of North and Central Sulawesi).

History then changed, where based on the Decree of the Minister of PTIP Number 22/1961, dated July 4, 1961, UNISUT was officially in the status of a State University, with five faculties, namely:

  1. Faculty of Law,
  2. Faculty of Economics,
  3. Medical School,
  4. Faculty of Agriculture, and
  5. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP).

In the period 1961-1965, UNISUT changed its abbreviation again to UNSULUTTENG which also stands for University of North and Central Sulawesi.

Based on the Decree of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Number 277 dated September 14, 1965, the ratification of this public university in Manado, along with its name from the University of North and Central Sulawesi became Sam Ratulangi University, abbreviated UNSRAT. Consists of seven faculties namely:

  1. Medical School,
  2. Faculty of Agriculture,
  3. Faculty of Animal Husbandry,
  4. Faculty of Law and Public Knowledge,
  5. Faculty of Economics,
  6. Faculty of Social Politics, and
  7. Faculty of Engineering

Then, the Faculty of Letters, which was previously private, was inaugurated into Sam Ratulangi University. A year later, 1966, Sam Ratulangi University, again added one more faculty, the Faculty of Fisheries which until 1969, was domiciled in Tahuna. Then he was transferred to Manado and joined Sam Ratulangi University (which later in 1996 became the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences in short FPIK). UNSRAT is divided into 9 faculties. A fairly large number compared to other universities at that time. Its development did not stop. In 1982, the Gorontalo branch of FKIP Manado, became FKIP UNSRAT in Gorontalo (which later stood alone which is now known as the State University of Gorontalo with the last graduates as many as 3037 people in 1992). It was followed by the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences – FMIPA in 1998. While the Postgraduate Program was established in 1985. In 2009 through the approval letter of DIKTI No.212/D/2009 dated 17 February 2009 the Faculty of Public Health was officially established at Sam Ratulangi University and is a the youngest faculty today.

So now Sam Ratulangi University is a state university with eleven faculties and one postgraduate program, namely:

  1. Faculty of Medicine
  2. Faculty of Engineering
  3. Faculty of Agriculture
  4. Faculty of Animal Husbandry
  5. faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science
  6. faculty of Economics
  7. faculty of Law
  8. faculty of Social Science and Political Science
  9. faculty of Literature
  10. Faculty of Math and Science
  11. Faculty of Public Health, and
  12. Postgraduate Faculty

Since receiving the status of a State University in 1961, the highest officials of the University have changed as many as 12 successors as follows:

Chairman of the University of Sam Ratulangi, 1961 – present.

Name designation Period
1 JA Losung, SH Chairman 1961-1964
2 RAB Massie, SH Chairman 1964-1965
3 dr. FH Palilingan Rector 1965-1969
4 Prof. Mr. GM A Inkiriwang Rector 1969-1974
5 Prof. Dr. H. Kandou Rector 1974-1977
6 Prof. WJ Waworoentoe, MSc Rector 1977-1986
7 Prof. Drs. Tangkudung Hospital Rector 1986-1995
8 Prof. Dr. Ir. J. Paruntu, MS Rector 1995-2004
9 Prof. Dr. Ir. LW Sondakh, MEc Rector 2004-2008
10 Prof. Dr. DA Rumokoy, SH, MH Rector 2008-2014
11 Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Musliar Kasim, MS Acting Chancellor March 2014 – July 2014
12 Prof. Dr. Ir. Ellen J. Kumaat, M.Sc, DEA Rector July 2014 – 2022
12 Prof. Dr. Ir. Oktovian Berty Alexander Sompie, M.Eng IPU Rector 2022 – Present


The name of the national hero Dr. GSSJ Ratulangi was chosen as the name of a state higher education institution in North Sulawesi Province. Dr. Gerungan Saul Samuel Jacob Ratulangi is a hero, the great son of Indonesia with a daily nickname, Sam. He is also a freedom fighter from the Minahasa area, North Sulawesi Province. He was born on November 5, 1890 in Tondano, the capital of Minahasa Regency. Sam died on June 30, 1949 in Jakarta. In 1965 that too. With his name immortalized at this university in North Sulawesi Province as Sam Ratulangi University, it is hoped that his ideals and struggles are strung together in his philosophy of life. Si Tou Timou Tumou Tou, which means Humans are born to humanize other people, will remain engraved and blazed in the chest and heart of every academic person at Sam Ratulangi University, in seeking knowledge and devoting it to the development of society, nation and state.


 Together, we organize Sam Ratulangi University to become
Excellent and Cultured University 

Unsrat's vision is a long-term and dynamic vision with the understanding that excellent has a quality that is relative to time and conditions, and is flexible to apply to national and international coverage areas. Gradually condition excellent What will be achieved first is to realize effective and efficient governance and institutional governance as the basis for realizing the conditions excellent from the process of implementing higher education so that further conditions can be generated excellent from the outside (output) and long term impact (outcome) product of higher education at Unsrat. This vision will continue to be fought for as long as Unsrat exists. For the development of Unsrat through the 2016-2020 RENSTRA, the current management of Unsrat puts forward the vision of "Together we organize Sam Ratulangi University into a Superior and Cultured University", as part of the phasing in efforts to realize the long-term vision of Unsrat above which has been stated in the Unsrat statute document.

Furthermore, based on the formulation of the Vision above, the University of Sam Ratulangi establishes its Mission, as follows.


  at the forefront of Carrying out the Tridharma of Higher Education and as a Center for Science, Technology and Arts-Culture Innovation to Improve the Standard and Quality of Community Life  

Which is translated into words IMANKU (MY FAITH):

  1. Iinnovative in Science, Technology and Art-Culture;
  2. Mcommunity and government partners;
  3. Aapplicable in Research and Community Service;
  4. Normative in Nature and Environmental Conservation;
  5. Kreactive in Education and Learning;
  6. Uexcel and be competitive in entrepreneurship;

Furthermore, the Unsrat Mission is grouped into the following 4 (four) points:

  1. Improving the quality of Tridharma PT in a sustainable manner intended to improve the quality of Education, Research, and Community Service programs starting from the planning, implementation/implementation process, reporting, monitoring, and evaluation through measurable standards towards the input stage (input), process (to process), results (output), and impact (outcomes).
  1. Developing Innovations in Science, Technology and Arts-Culture oriented Pacific Region, intended for improvement competitiveness through the mastery and utilization of science and technological innovation that has relevance with the geographical position of the area where Unsrat is located.
  2. Improving access and the role of universities to improve the standard and quality of life of the community, intended for improvement access study in higher education, and equal access to higher education, as well as increasing the role in the community's economy through opportunities COLLABORATIONS and partnership to improve the standard and quality of life of the community.
  3. Improving Education Governance, is intended to organize Unsrat into an institution with a system autonomous PT management, accountable, effective and efficient in the implementation of institutional functions.



A goal or objective, is a more specific description to achieve the stated mission. Unsrat goals include:

T-1. Availability of a superior and quality Tridharma service system which is evaluated through:

  1. The quality and ability of graduates to apply science and/or technology to create new jobs/markets to meet the needs of the labor market and industry;
  2. The development of science and technological innovation through research that is beneficial for the progress of the nation, civilization and the welfare of mankind; as well as,
  3. The realization of community service based on reasoning and research work that is useful in advancing and educating people's lives.

T-2. Availability of innovative and local wisdom-oriented higher education institutions with highly competitive graduates through mastery and utilization of science and technological innovation.

T-3. The establishment of harmonious interactions between universities, the government and the community (stakeholders) through cooperation and partnerships by optimizing existing resources at Unsrat to increase access and income generating Unsrat, as well as the standard and quality of life of the community.

T-4. The realization of Unsrat as an autonomous and accountable higher education institution in carrying out effective and efficient institutional functions to increase Unsrat's independence.

These objectives also provide the basis and direction for all strategic programs, programs and activities planned within the institution and its internal units, in particular on the process; planning, implementing, measuring and controlling academic and other activities. This entire description is solely intended to realize the Unsrat Vision that has been set.


From the statement of objectives above, the formulation of the objectives to be achieved by Unsrat is formulated as follows:

S-1. Increasing the quality and quantity of service products in the fields of teaching, research, and service with measurable implementation standards, especially in stages, inputs, processes, outcomes and impacts. It is related to Mission-1 and Purpose T-1.

S-2. Increasing the image of Unsrat as an authoritative higher education institution and gaining public trust and recognition through high innovation and competitiveness, characterized by the recognition of accrediting institutions and institutional ratings, related to Mission-2 and T-2's aim.

S-3. Increased interaction between Unsrat and stakeholders through cooperation and partnerships to increase access and incoming generating through raising and expanding activities, as well as to improve the standard and quality of life of the people involved in it, related to Mission-3 and Purpose T-3.

S-4. The creation of autonomous and accountable institutional independence through the management system good governance university in every implementation of institutional functions, related to Mission-4 and Purpose T-4.


The Unsrat development strategy for 2015-2019 is prepared to provide direction and guidance for all work units of education providers related to how to achieve the strategic targets set. Strategy is a systematic effort to achieve the strategic objectives that have been set through the strategic objectives of the strategic objectives. Each strategy describes the components of service delivery that must be available in order to achieve the strategic goals of each goal, as follows:

ST-1. Improving the quality of the implementation of education programs, the quality of conducting research, and the quality of service delivery to the community, related Mission-1, Destination T-1 and Target series.

ST-2. Developing the image of Unsrat as an authoritative higher education institution and gaining the trust of the public with the ability to innovate and have high competitiveness characterized by national and international recognition standards, related to Mission-2 and Purpose T-2 and Target series.

ST-3. Increasing cooperation and partnerships through optimizing resources to increase access, as well as improving the standard and quality of life of the community based on incentives for stakeholders, related to Mission-3 and Purpose T-3 and Target series.

ST-4. Increasing the accountability of Unsrat's performance in carrying out institutional functions through autonomous institutions, related to Mission-4 and Purpose T-4 and Target series.


The picture above shows that the elements of Unsrat's mission, goals and strategies are arranged and interrelated to realize the long-term goal of Unsrat's vision as a Excellent University. Thus the vision statement becomes the main reference in the preparation of 4 (four) Unsrat missions. From each mission, the objectives to be achieved by Unsrat are set as a form of implementing Unsrat's mission so as to support the realization of Unsrat's vision. From each of the goals set, the targets and strategies for achieving them are then drawn up



  1. The shape and face of the gray number form the basis for the characteristic painting and the name of the symbol printed on it.
  2. The name circling the painting (as the focus) is blue and is between two lilac colored institutions. The whole has a reciprocal relationship with the basis and content of the painting and depicts a structure that is alive and dynamic, whole, round and complete.
  3. The painting in the middle in the form of lilac and red coconuts arranged in one complete circle is a characteristic, meaning the process of growth and development.


  • The pentagon base is the symbol of Pancasila. The gray color symbolizes the noble values ​​of Pancasila which are Unsrat's duties as:
    1. digger and seeker of truth,
    2. identifier and successor of truth for the surrounding world, and
    3. defender and protector of truth.


  • The circle contains a painting in the middle that comes from one characteristic found in the North Sulawesi area:
    1. One coconut with three eyes facing downwards where the roots of the institution emerge, symbolizing Unsrat as a higher education institution that carries out the tridharma of higher education based on Pancasila in Indonesia.
    2. The lilac color on the stylized parts of the coconut symbolizes the color of a culture that is alive, growing and developing.
    3. The red color of growing fruit pods and ripe fruit that can be picked, symbolizes the results of the growth process that is being prepared and ready to be used in social functions.
    4. The coconut parts sticking out in the form of smooth lilac-colored stalks are interconnected with each other, symbolizing the spirit of kinship (l'espirit des corps) in the academic community.
    5. A pair of lilac-colored sheaths that protect the future fruit, symbolizing that in order to carry out the tridharma of higher education, Unsrat has the task of: instorum et scolarium and scientiarum.
    6. 17 red ovules, 8 segments on a lilac-colored coconut stem, 9 purple midribs, each of which has 5 leaves, symbolizing that in carrying out its duties, Unsrat is imbued and filled with the spirit of the Proclamation of Indonesian Independence on August 17, 1945.
    7. The three palm fronds are lilac in color, symbolizing the duties and philosophy of higher education in the form of the tridharma of higher education.
    8. Two pairs of lilac-colored sheaths on the left and right of the three midribs, symbolize the process of "broken growth and loss".
    9. The nine sections of the lilac colored painting around the coconut tree symbolize the month of September as Unsrat's Dies Natalis.
    10. One coconut midrib facing upwards, with its five leaves opening (blooming), symbolizing that Unsrat was imbued with the spirit of the Proclamation of Indonesian Independence on August 17, 1945 to continue to strive to achieve the goals and ideals of an independent Indonesian nation.
    11. The name and place of the university in blue symbolize a fact of life, a firm foundation, sure and dynamic.
    12. The lilac-colored coconut institutions between the name and place of the university, symbolize that Unsrat, which started its activities in Manado, will continue to live as a university that belongs to and can be used by all the people and the Indonesian nation.

The overall meaning of the symbol describes the personality, ideals, duties and obligations of Unsrat, as a tool and servant who strives to achieve goals according to the ideals of the Indonesian nation's national struggle as stated in the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution, including efforts to educate the nation's life, advance the development of science and technology. technology, culture, and natural resource processing, in the context of the prosperity and welfare of the Indonesian people in general and the people and region of North Sulawesi in particular.


The use and procedures for the UNSRAT symbol are regulated according to separate provisions through special university regulations. By paying attention to the symbol, the manufacture / procurement and placement are adjusted to the type and level of need for such use. Several things are stated here for example, small and large on the basis of the same comparison in terms of manufacture, whether or not they are settled in terms of placement, for example in the Rector's room, Head Office, Auditorium, Dean's room, Stamp / Stamp, Position Necklace, Trophy, Gordon, documents- written documents, printouts, diplomas, certificates, charters, and so on, as far as the type of attribute is concerned by using the symbol of Sam Ratulangi University.


The UNSRAT flag is rectangular in shape with a width of 160 cm and a length of 185 cm, the base color is yellow and in the middle there is a university symbol.

The flags of faculties and postgraduate programs are rectangular in shape with a width of 90 cm and a length of 130 cm and in the middle there is a symbol of the faculty or postgraduate program concerned. For clarity, the colors of each faculty's flag are:

  1. Medical Faculty Flag : Dark Green
  2. Faculty of Engineering Flag : Dark Blue Warna
  3. Flag of the Faculty of Agriculture: Light Green
  4. Faculty of Animal Husbandry Flag : Brown Color
  5. Flag of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences : Light Blue
  6. Flag of the Faculty of Economics : Gray color
  7. Law Faculty Flag : Red Color
  8. Flag of the Faculty of Social and Educational Sciences : Color Orange
  9. Flag of the Faculty of Letters : Purple
  10. Flag of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences : White
  11. GRADUATE Flag : Light Brown

Mars Unsrat lyrics written by Drs. M. Patiesina and arranged by Nelt. Mars is sung at every official event at Sam Ratulangi University.

Lyrics of Mars UNSRAT

Sam Ratulangi University, North Sulawesi
Hope in the future, our nation Indonesia
Your ideals are noble and noble, with the spirit of Tridharma
Building our country victorious based on Pancasila
Unsrat educational institutions, the center of science
Present and future development developer
Forward Unsrat, Glory to Unsrat, Peace be upon you

UNSRAT Hymn Lyrics

Unsrat Raise Your Banner
Make Your Conscience Pancasila Your Lighthouse
Godok Builds New Humans With Tridharma
Carry out the Mandate of People's Suffering
Realize the Dreams of Developing a New Human
**Sam Ratulangi University
Ignite the Spirit of the Holy Patriot
Tridharma Your Fighting Weapon
A Just and Prosperous Society